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Christina Lee

Legal Fellow

Christina Lee joined the First Amendment Clinic as a legal fellow in July 2024.  Immediately prior to joining the Clinic, Lee was an associate at Cahill Gordon & Reindel in New York City, where she worked on a variety of civil litigation and investigation matters.

Lee graduated in May 2021 with a J.D. from Cornell Law School.  While in law school, Lee received a CALI Award in a Supervised Writing Seminar on comparative international free speech and internet law.  She was a member of the Cornell Law First Amendment Clinic, representing a nonprofit in connection with a professional speech matter, and served as an Honors Fellow for first year Lawyering.  Lee was also the Senior Online Editor of the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy.

Lee received her bachelor’s degree cum laude from Cornell University.  She is a member of the New York bar.


Joel Kurtzberg, Miles Wiley, & Christina Lee, New York First Department Clarifies the Applicability of New York’s Anti-SLAPP Statute, (June 21, 2024).

Joel Kurtzberg, Jason Rozbruch, & Christina Lee, Supreme Court Narrowly Interprets Statute That Criminalizes Encouraging or Inducing Foreign Individuals to Enter the U.S. Illegally While Upholding First Amendment Overbreadth Doctrine, (Aug. 21 2023).

Christina Lee & Daniel Novack, How Courts Are Wrestling With NY Anti-SLAPP Law, Law360 (July 28, 2023).

Christina Lee & Daniel Novack, What is a ‘Substantial Basis’ Under New York Anti-SLAPP Law?, New York Law Journal  (Nov. 17, 2020).

Christina Lee & Daniel Novack, How New York Anti-SLAPP Law Could Survive The 2nd Circ., Law360 (Aug. 12, 2020).